Saturday, 28 November 2015

Socialize your application with IBM Connections

The word "Social Networking" was buzzing around all over the place from the recent past and at present it has gained lot of momentum. It started with "Orkut" initially and over the time it has gained its popularity and with Facebook it has created a new dimension in the world of internet. It provides endless opportunities to connect with people, share thoughts, ask questions, answer to queries, create groups of people with similar interests etc. to e precise in a single word, to collaborate.

Seeing the popularity and the capability of social networking, research were started to bring  these features at the enterprise level. After initial level of research it was found that the attributes of social networking can be used at the enterprise level and it can open endless opportunities for the organizations to excel and prosper. The most common features of social networking like Community, Blog, Forum, Status Updates, File Sharing etc. could be very beneficial for an organization to implement so that the employees can collaborate among themselves.

Let's take an example, John is a marketing manager in a big organization. He is recently working for an assignment which needs some basic knowledge of search engine optimization. But, being a marketing person John is finding it difficult to cope up with the situation. He thought there could be several experts available in his own organization who can help him with some basic knowledge. But, while looking for a search engine specialist, John found it very difficult to reach out to the proper person. He does not have any clue whom to reach out to and where to start with.

Here comes the need of a enterprise social collaboration tool. John can easily login the platform and search for the search Engine optimization specialist. He can even go to the profile of the person and check the several assignments that he had worked on related to search engine optimization, he can check out the technical papers he might have published. Most importantly, John now can directly approach the person and take his help to get some basic knowledge required or his assignment.

This was just a small example. The possibilities are actually endless. To be more specific, the enterprise collaboration can open a new dimension to the organizations. These are all the reasons, enterprise level social collaboration has picked up super fast last few years and most of the organizations are now a days using it.

There are various enterprise collaborations  tools available. Among all these few are very popular. IBM Connections, Yammer and Jive are the most popular tools at present. Though Jive and Yammer are equally popular and efficient, I will talk about IBM Connections here.

IBM Connections initial version (v1.0) was launched on 29 June 2007. After launch, it was accepted by the industry very quickly and widely and that is the reason it has grown so fast and went though several stages of evolution and the v5.0 was launch last year (26 June, 2014). IBM Connections consists of the following applications: Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, Home page, Metrics, Profiles, and Wikis. Whether you want to share information, build a network of useful contacts, or follow people, there is an application for you.

IBM Connections can be used independently as well as can be integrated with existing portal to bring in social features. Following are the two ways to integrate IBM Connections with existing applications

1. Add Connections out-of-box portlets  in to your custom portal page:

IBM Connections provide out-of-box portlets, which are readily available in "Greenhouse Solutions Catalog", and  can be installed and configured easily. Once configured, the portlets can be added to a portal page and used. The portlets can be used to add social features like Blog, Wiki, Communities, Forum, File Sharing etc. to an existing Web Sphere portal application. The detailed steps to download, install and configure Connections portlets can be found in the Wiki below 

2. Integrate through IBM Connections API:

IBM Connections provides ATOM based API (Atom Syndication Format) to integrate with external applications. Any portal or non portal application can be integrated with connections using API very easily. The API details can be found in the Wiki below      

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)
The following article describes a simple and step by step approach of customizing IBM Connections 3.0 using Web Application Integrator (WAI)


Web Application Integrator for IBM WebSphere Portal is a solution which allows external web applications to be integrated with WebSphere Portal. Examples of such external web applications include IBM web-based products like Lotus Connections, Lotus DWA, and Lotus Quickr, as well as other web applications within the enterprise. Following are the steps that need to be followed to integrate for IBM WebSphere Portal with IBM Connections.

Install the Install Web Application Integrator portlet: 

The installation kit can be downloaded from the following location.

The installation kit installs the Web Application Integrator portlet and adds it to the "Manage Pages" page.

Create a standard Portal URL page:

1. Log into Portal using an ID with administrative access rights.
2. Go to the Manage Pages portlet, located on the "Manage Pages" page under Administration / Portal User Interface.
3. Click "New URL" button.

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

4. On the "New URL" page:

  • Add a title for page.
  • Click the "HTML" checkbox and enter the URL to the external web application.
  • Click the "OK" button.

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

Use the new Web Application Integration portlet to generate an HTML <script> tag :

1. Copy its unique name of the URL created in the previous step.
2. Open the Web App Integrator page and Paste it into the input field of the Web App        Integrator portlet.
3. Click the "Generate HTML <script> tag" button in the Web App Integrator portlet.       A text box will appear with a complete HTML <script> tag in it.
    Note: This tag only integrates the external web application for the URL page                 specified as input.

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

Add the <script> tag to the web application:

1. In the header component of the external web application, locate the code which generates the HTML <body> tag markup. 

2. Copy the entire content inside the <script> tag and paste it in a browser and save the generated markup as a jsp file. For example save it as “wai_activity.jsp”. As shown the figure below.

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

3. For example we are modifying the Activity feature of IBM Connections. Go to the IBM Connections installation directory and open the mainpage.jsp. It can be found in the following location


4. Copy the “wai_activity.jsp” that we saved in the previous step and paste it in the same location where the “main .jsp” is present.

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

5. Open the main.jsp and and include the  “wai_activity.jsp” immediately after the <body> tag.

<jsp:include page="wai_activity.jsp" />

6. Open the  “wai_activity.jsp” and verify the css, js and images file path. If the path is relative then prepend the proper host and port name. For example the jsp will have the path like 

<link type="text/css" rel="styleSheet" href="/MyThemeSkin/themes/html/MyTheme/css/stylescog.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="styleSheet" href="/MyThemeSkin/themes/html/MyTheme/css/tabmenu.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="styleSheet" href="/MyThemeSkin/themes/html/MyTheme/css/base.css" />

Prepend the proper host and port name to make it correct.

<link type="text/css" rel="styleSheet" href=" eme/css/stylescog.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="styleSheet" href=" eme/css/tabmenu.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="styleSheet" href=" eme/css/base.css" />

This step will complete the process and now user can experience a seamless traverse from WebSphere portal and IBM Connections. Following figures show the navigation between portal and Connections. Following is the example  

1.Go to portal home page

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

2. User clicks the activities link from drop down.

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

3. This page shows the content from Connections Activities. All the Content is of Connections. This way user can traverse from portal to connection seamlessly.

Customizing IBM Connections 3.0 Using Web Application Integrator (WAI)

If user wants to conditionally display Portal navigation when the user links to the web application through Portal, your code needs to do two things

1.  Append a parameter “fromPortal=true” to the application URL defined on the Portal URL page. For example:

2.  Now, in the web application’s header component where the Web App Integrator jsp is included, user can add code which checks for that URL parameter. If the URL parameter is present and set to true, the Portal navigation is displayed. Otherwise, the navigation is not displayed.  Following is the code snippet.

       <c: if test ="${param.fromPortal == 'true'}">
<jsp: include page = "wai_activity.jsp" />
</c: if>


Friday, 20 November 2015

Implementing AJAX in a JSR 286 portlet using Embedded Java Script (EJS)

Implementing AJAX in a JSR 286 portlet using Embedded Java Script (EJS)

The following article describes embedded java script toolkit in brief and provides a step by step approach to implement it using ajax in a custom JSR 286 portlet.


Embedded JavaScript (EJS) is a JavaScript template library, commonly used for building html strings from JSON data. EJS cleans the HTML out of JavaScript with client side templates.

Whenever AJAX is used in web development it is always a problem to deal with the response and generate markup based on the AJAX response. Normally to deal with the response the most general approach is to create dynamic HTML and generate the presentation layer. The following code snippet shows this approach
var html = "<h1>"+ajaxResponse.title+"</h1>"
html += "<ul>"
for(var i=0; i<; i++) {
   html += "<li><a href='supplies/"+data.entry[i]+"'>"
   html += data.entry[i]+"</a></li>"
html += "</ul>"

But, the problem in this approach is, the structure of the HTML is lost in between the JavaScript logic. And in case of the big and complex markups, it is almost impossible to create and manage the JavaScript logic and markup HTML together. To handle this kind of scenario, EJS can be very useful. EJS separates presentation markup from JavaScript logic very well. EJS works like the following

Implementing AJAX ina JSR 286 portlet using Embedded Java Script (EJS)
HTML represents the markup part.
Data represents data in JSON format that is coming from AJAX response.
Template is something which EJS provides.

EJS separates the presentation markup into a separate file called template. Template is a file with a “.ejs” extension. For example:  “myPageData.ejs”. Following is the code snippet of a sample template.

Implementing AJAX ina JSR 286 portlet using Embedded Java Script (EJS)

Everything inside <% %> tag is executed and everything inside <%= %> tags inserts itself into the returned HTML string. A specific JavaScript syntax is needed for loading and rendering of the template. The following code snippet shows the syntax.

Implementing AJAX ina JSR 286 portlet using Embedded Java Script (EJS)
To get the templates working, the page needs to include EJS so your JavaScript can use it. The following code snippet shows the syntax.
Implementing AJAX ina JSR 286 portlet using Embedded Java Script (EJS)

Example :

Let’s take a real life example. In our example we have implemented EJS with DOJO in our Social collaboration Portlet (JSR 286) application. Following are the steps.

  1. Creates the DOJO XHR method (xhrGet(), xhrPost() or xhrPut()) to call your AJAX Servlet or Portlet. Following is the code snippet

function onAddButton(){
var xhrArgs = {
url: "<%=renderResponse.encodeURL(AddServerResourceURL.toString())%>",
form: dojo.byId("statusUpdateForm"), //ID of the HTML Form
handleAs: "text",
load: function(data) {
var jsonObj = eval('(' + data + ')'); //AJAX Response
var callback = new EJS({url : '<%=renderRequest.getContextPath()%>/_ProfileStatusUpdates_JSR286/templates/page.ejs'}).render(jsonObj); //Rendering of the EJS template
dojo.byId("theMenu").innerHTML = "";
dojo.byId("theMenu").innerHTML = callback;
error: function(error) {
//Call the asynchronous xhrPost
var deferred = dojo.xhrPost(xhrArgs);

2. The AJAX url needs to be constructed to call the ServeResource() method of the portlet. Following is the syntax.

<portlet:resourceURL var="AddServerResourceURL" id="ADD"/>
<portlet:resourceURL var="DeleteServerResourceURL" id="DELETE"/>
<portlet:resourceURL var="AddCommentResourceURL" id="ADD_COMMENT"/>
<portlet:resourceURL var="DeleteCommentResourceURL" id="DELETE_COMMENT"/>

3.  The AJAX method will invoke the serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response) of the portlet. Inside the method we will invoke the corresponding methods based on the resourceID (“ADD”, “DELETE”, “ADD_COMMENT” or “DELETE_COMMENT “). Following is the code snippet.

public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response)throws PortletException, IOException {
String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
String jsonString = null;
String responseType  = null;
String resourceId = request.getResourceID();
try {
if(null != resourceId && resourceId.equals("ADD")){
String addCommentText = request.getParameter("addStatusTextArea");
responseType = MyStatusUpdatesHelper.addEntry(userId, addCommentText);
}else if(null != resourceId && resourceId.equals("DELETE")){
String deleteLink = request.getParameter("deleteUrl");
responseType = MyStatusUpdatesHelper.deleteEntry(userId,deleteLink);
}else if(null != resourceId && resourceId.equals("ADD_COMMENT")){
String entryId = request.getParameter("entryId");
String CommentText = request.getParameter("addCommentTextArea");
responseType = MyStatusUpdatesHelper.addComment(userId,entryId,CommentText);
}else if(null != resourceId && resourceId.equals("DELETE_COMMENT")){
String deleteCommentLink = request.getParameter("deleteCommentUrl");
responseType = MyStatusUpdatesHelper.deleteEntry(userId,deleteCommentLink);
List<ProfileUpdatesBean> statusUpdatesList = new ArrayList<ProfileUpdatesBean>();
try {

statusUpdatesList = MyStatusUpdatesHelper.getProfileStatusUpdates(userId);
jsonString = JsonHelper.getJson(statusUpdatesList, userId);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {

4. As shown in the code above, After invoking the methods of the MyStatusUpdatesHelper class, we have checked the responseType. If it is “SUCCESS” then call the getJson() method of JsonHelper class. Pass the java object that was returned by the MyStatusUpdatesHelper class. This getJson() method will convert the java object into JSON object and return. Following is the code snippet.

public static String getJson(List<ProfileUpdatesBean> statusUpdatesList, String userId){
StatusUpdatesParentBean bean = new StatusUpdatesParentBean();
Gson gson = new Gson();
String Json = gson.toJson(bean);
return Json;

5. Once the JSON object is returned, we have sent that in respone using write() method of response.getWriter().
6. Once the response is back, we convert the JSON String to JSON object using the following syntax
var jsonObj = eval('(' + data + ')');

7. After that, just invoke the render() method  EJS on the template and pass the JSON object as parameter. The template is attached.

8. Finally, markup generated by the template, has to be inserted into the page markup using the following syntax.
dojo.byId("theMenu").innerHTML = "";
dojo.byId("theMenu").innerHTML = callback;
Here, “theMenu” is id od a HTML DIV element.

This way AJAX can be implemented with ease using EJS. EJS has the following advantages
  1. Building HTML strings with JavaScript:
As we discussed in this tutorial, the problem of HTML string concatenation in JavaScript is maintainability. When adding together HTML in JavaScript strings, it is difficult to see the big picture of what you’re creating - a representation of the layout for your page. Using templates makes layout easier because you can see the HTML and preserve line breaks and spacing.
  1. AJAX web development with web services:
EJS accepts JSON coming in asynchronously from a web service, passes this data into a template of your choosing, and inserts the resulting HTML into the page for you. Only the following  line of code is needed.
new EJS({url: 'comments.ejs'}).update('element_id', '/comments.json')
  1. Application skinning:
If user wants to give wer to customize their own look and feel, EJS provides the perfect mechanism. EJS templates execute in the browser only, so there is no security risk to your server. Allowing users to upload EJS templates and associated stylesheets is the easiest and fastest way to skin your site.

References :